Goldenlaser IPL Machine


• Hair removal
• Skin rejuvenation
• Acne removal
• Pigment removal
• Vascular treatment


1. 3-5 times faster than traditional IPL
2. With wavelength 420-950nm gives patients a comfortable experience
3. Continuous square-shaped pulsing with moderate peak power throughout the entire pulse, for efficacious, safe results
4. Suits for all skin and hair types
5. Repetitive application of low fluence pulses-removing the sensation of pain”

“Intense Pulsed Light with SHR technology is a treatment breakthrough that can correct a variety of benign skin conditions such as facial skin imperfections, the signs of aging, birthmarks, unwanted hair, unsightly small veins and other blemishes. It offers a safe, non-invasive solution that can be tailored to your individual condition and skin type, providing superior cosmetic results and outstanding satisfaction.

SHR technology enables continuous square-shaped pulsing with moderate peak power throughout the entire pulse, for efficacious, safe results. The fluence of an SHR pulse is equally distributed, delivering optimal energy within a short, continuous pulse duration.”